Monday, September 8, 2008

God's will be done

Dear Lord,
In Jesus’ Name I thank you for allowing me to live in a free nation where I have the freedom to blog a prayer to you. I am grateful to you for being who you are. This week in Daniel 4:32 you reminded me that the kingdoms are yours and you give it to whom you see fit.
Lord, you know better than I what our nation needs in the next 4 years, so I humbly pray for your will to be done. Thank you for Sarah Palin who has stepped up to lead our nation. I pray that she will come to you each day for strength and wisdom. Give her the words to say as she speaks to the nation. Protect her and the family on this day and let your blessing of love shine upon them. Let them know that you are in control and that we are praying for them.
In Him

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