Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I do not doubt my God

Today is a bitter sweet day. I am sadden by the choice our nation has made. It makes my heart weep for my country to know that more than half are following a leader who does not believe in Life and who will do everything in his power to make the taking of life easier. Lord, I am sorry our country has walked so far from you. I now have a new president. Lord I pray that you will use his time in office for your glory. I pray that our nation will return to you. I will pray for my leaders and I will trust in you my God.

Lord, I thank you for Sarah and her family. I pray that you will go with them as they go back home and and continue being first family of Alaska. Thank you for their service and their transparency as they campaign. Lord, thank you for the opportunity of meeting them and praying for them. I thank you for Sarah and her belief in you and her love for her country. Protect her from those who wish to harm her, her name and reputation. Lord, use Sarah for your greatness. Thank you for creating her and using her to give the church hope in this nation. Bring Christians together as a people who can show other the love of Christ. Thank you for Sarah's leadership and candor.

I will miss seeing her in the news and praying for her. I pray that she will be able to rest and continue to be Sarah. Lord, last night when the tears were in her eyes they were running down my face. Lord, I hurt for her and her family and for all that came to know her and love her, but Lord, I know the day is not done. I know you will continue to use Sarah. Give her wisdom and keep her path straight.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ my comfort.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted today

Thank you Father,
Thank you for a country in which I have the right to vote. Lord, I thank you for all who have gone to vote and bring more people out to vote. I pray that all votes will be valid and those that are not won't count. Help the people at the poles to be fair and righteous in their actions today. Lord, be with our country on this day of transition. Lord, give us a peaceful change in government. Lord, keep our citizen calm and understanding. Lord I pray for peace.

Keep Sarah and the family safe on this day as they travel to Arizona and Lord thank you for the safety you provided yesterday. This morning when she voted she thanked you for all that you have done. Lord, I echo Sarah's thanks. Bless her with rest and provide for her and the family the strength they will need today.
I pray in the name of Jesus

Monday, November 3, 2008

Let the Truth be revealed

Thank the Lord the light is shining even in the Eleventh hour. Sarah was in Lakewood Ohio this morning and she made a statement about God revealing even at this lake hour things about Obama that show us his real intent. She was talking about a tape when he was in San Fransisco talking about how our energy bills will go up because he does not plan to use coal. He will make it too expensive to mine coal.

Thank you for your light shining and thank you that Sarah gave you the credit. Lord continue to reveal more and more of the truth concerning Obama and his intentions and his beliefs. Make it clear what countries want him as our president. Make their intentions and beliefs clear. Bring out the names of the people who have given money to Obama and therefore have influence over him. Lord ,let this be heard all day long and all night long. Make it pronounced by all media avenues, all printed source and every Internet sight Lord spread the news in away that only you can. Lord, continue to reveal the Truth about this election. Let all voter fraud be found and the people who abusive the right to vote are caught and brought to justice.

Thank you Lord for your mercy. Keep Sarah and the Family safe today as they head back to Alaska. Let her be energized and strong to the very end. Let her voice be magnified, her words be clear and her message from her heart. Thank you for her. Keep her safe on this last day as she goes home.
I pray in the name of Jesus.

The Victory is the Lord's

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Be Strong in the Lord

Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;
Your mighty Defender is always the same.
Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending;
Victory is sure when you call on His name.

So put on the armour the Lord has provided;
And place your defense in His unfailing care.
Trust Him for He will be with you in battle,
Lighting your path to avoid every snare.

Be strong in the Lord,and be of good courage;
Your mighty Commander will vanquish the foe.
Fear not the battle, for the victory is always His;
He will protect you where ever you go.

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And be of good courage, for Hi is your guide.
Be strong, be strong be strong in the Lord;
And rejoice, for the victory is yours.
by Linda Lee Johnson 1947-

Lord, we stay strong in you for the battle is yours to win. Give Sarah the strength that you see that she needs on this day. Keep her voice strong, her words clear and her message from the heart. Lord, thank you for her and her family. Bless each one on this Lord's day. Give them time to be with you and with each other. Give them the courage that they need and Lord, we will thank you for what ever happens on Tuesday. Thank you for being our guide through this election. I am glad that we can lean on you and trust in your unfailing love.
I pray in the name of Jesus